
Your Future Starts Here.

特里顿学院提供了优秀的教育机会,在多元化, student-centered environment.  

有100多个学位课程可供寻求副学士学位或计划转到四年制学院或大学的学生使用. Additionally, Triton提供100多个证书课程,旨在帮助学生获得所需技能,帮助他们在工作中取得成功.

Affordable tuition, 奖学金机会和经济援助资源使特里顿学院的学生能够以四年制学校的一小部分成本接受优质教育. Additionally, 学生可以获得一些支持项目和其他资源,帮助他们走上成功之路.

Our conveniently located, 占地110英亩的现代化校园全年举办众多活动,充满活力的电子竞技竞彩平台为学生创造了真正的大学体验.

Explore Degrees and Certificates

An opportunity that's right for you!
Continuing Education

An opportunity that's right for you!

无论你的目标是职业发展还是个人充实, Triton has an opportunity that is right for you. 通过发人深省的课程和娱乐活动拓展你的视野, gain credentials to break into a new field, explore a creative passion or reinvigorate your career.

Continue Your Education

Dual Credit and Dual Enrollment

由于Triton学院的双学分和双招生计划,学生可以在高中时获得大学学分. 这些选择是学生们快速开始大学教育的好方法,同时在这个过程中节省时间和金钱. 参加双学分课程的学生也可以在大学课程中获得高中学分, 减少高中课程之外的额外工作负担.

Is Dual Credit Right For You?

We have what you need to get started
Adult Education

We have what you need to get started

Triton的成人教育部门提供英语语言习得(ELA)课程, 以及高中毕业(以前的GED®)课程. 成人教育也提供两个级别的公民课程, three times a year, 专为希望成为美国公民的个人设计的.

Your Journey Begins Here


Triton College Library特里顿学院图书馆提供课程驱动的资源, instruction, 以及提高学生成功和满足大学社区学术和信息需求的项目.


Access the Library

The resources you need for success.

在Triton学院,我们提供了一些旨在帮助学生成功的资源. Whether it's tutoring or student support groups, 我们的目标是帮助学生取得学业和个人成功. 

Our Academic Success Center offers FREE, individual and group tutoring, mentoring and learning communities, as well as ongoing academic review workshops.

TRiO Student Support Services 这里是为了帮助学生实现他们当前和未来的目标吗. TRiO是一家一站式服务机构,为学生在Triton学院的整个大学生涯提供众多支持服务.

TRIUMPH is 旨在通过提供更多的学生服务来增加从特里顿学院毕业的少数族裔男性人数, academic support, service learning projects, community service projects and mentoring.

SURGE 在职业或技术教育项目中是否有针对有色人种女性的指导项目. SURGE provides academic support, one-on-one mentoring and coaching, career exploration and development, 社区服务项目和帮助他们过渡到四年制大学或进入劳动力市场.

Inside Academics

Degree & Certificate Programs

Triton College confers Associate of Arts, Associate of Science, Associate of Applied Science1, Associate of General Studies, and several levels of certificates.

Continuing Education

We offer thought-provoking courses & recreational activities, allowing you to break into a new field, explore a creative passion or reinvigorate your career.

Adult Education

特里顿学院提供英语作为第二语言(ESL)课程, 以及伊利诺斯州高中文凭课程.

Online & Flexible Learning


University Center


Early College


Scholars Program


Tutoring & Academic Support

Triton College provides individual and group tutoring, 指导和学习社区以及正在进行的学术审查研讨会.

Educational Technology Resource Center (ETRC)


Courses & College Catalog

您的一站式课程信息和注册服务. 浏览课程和分组,注册课程,甚至找到你需要的书籍.

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